- Pre-registration information

- Pre-registration information systems, accessible induction and guidance procedures for incoming students, in order to facilitate their incorporation to the University and their degree programme

- Pre-registration deadlines and procedures

- Enrollment deadlines and procedures

- Access criteria and special conditions or entrance tests

- Access Requirements

- Tuition rates for undergraduate students

- Partial tuition: 24 to 36 credits.

- Full tuition: 37 to 78 credits.

- Grants for undergraduate students

- Partial Grant, academic requirements:

Having passed 100% of the credits enrolled to for the previous year.

Enrolling to 30 to 59 credits.

- Full Grant, academic requirements:

Having passed 80% of the credits enrolled to for the previous year.

Enrolling to a minimum of 60 credits.

- Information for incoming students

- Information on support and guidance for students once enrolled

- Information on the credit transfer and recognition system

- Recommended profile for new students

A good theoretical background in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics, Physics and Geology, at high school level, as well as a predisposition for Experimental Sciences are desirable. A good level of textual comprehension and writing; knowledge of written English and Spanish, as well as user-level computing skills would also be beneficial.

Regarding preferential access itineraries, the provisions of current legislation shall apply.

- Entrance requirements and admission criteria

Article 14 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29, 2007 on the layout of Official University Studies establishes that in order to access official undergraduate studies, students must hold a Baccalaureate or equivalent and have passed the exam referred to in Article 42 of Spanish Framework Act 6/2001 on Universities, modified by Act 4/2007 of April 12th, 2007, without prejudice to other access mechanisms established by current legislation.

The University of Córdoba, currently, establishes the access of students as stated in Spanish Royal Decree 1742/2003, of December 19th, 2003, which sets basic regulations for access to official university studies, as well as in the Annual Resolution of the Commission of the Single Andalusian District for Admission to Undergraduates of the Universities of Andalusia (Covenant of April 2nd, 2008 of the Commission of the Single University District of Andalusia, which establishes the procedure for Admission to University Undergraduate Studies), through six access itineraries: Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, University Graduates, Over 25s, European Union Students and Foreigners. In the future, the access of students to the University will be carried out in accordance with R.D. 1892/2008 (Spanish Off. Gazz. 24/11/2008), according to the implementation schedule and access itineraries therein.

The Faculty of Sciences will respect the regulations approved for access through accreditation of work or professional experience as stated by article 36.4 of Spanish Royal Decree 1892/2008, which regulates the conditions for access to official undergraduate university education and admission procedures to Spanish public universities (Spanish Off. Gazz. 24/11/2008) and does not foresee any specific access itineraries for the Degree in Environmental Science.