Jueves, 13 Febrero 2020 11:19
The design of a new method is developed to diagnose pain in people with dementia
Escrito por UCC+iThe new protocol, for patients unable to verbally communicate, uses an observational system and pain biomarkers in saliva
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Biomedicine and health
The research focused on a kind of wine made with alternative aging methods other than the classic barrel method
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Physics and chemistry
Jueves, 13 Febrero 2020 08:41
SUWANU PROJECT | Wastewater for Agriculture, reuse to Avert Scarcity
Escrito por UCC+iThe SUWANU project will seek to improve the management and use of reclaimed water for agricultural purposes
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Nature science
Miércoles, 12 Febrero 2020 10:38
Invasive species that threaten biodiversity on the Antarctic Peninsula are identified
Escrito por UCC+iMediterranean mussels, seaweed and some species of land plants and invertebrates are among the 13 species that are most likely to damage the ecosystems on the Antarctic Peninsula
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Nature science
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Jueves, 06 Febrero 2020 14:00
A new methodology detects more lipids in blood plasma samples
Escrito por UCC+iA University of Cordoba study developed a strategy that detects up to 400 lipids in plasma samples and cuts analysis costs
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Biomedicine and health
Jueves, 06 Febrero 2020 08:20
The Objective: Olive Trees More Resistant to Xylella
Escrito por UCC+iThe LIFE Resilience project establishes sustainable management practices and develops olive genotypes resistant to this bacteria, which is inflicting massive economic damage in Europe
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Nature science