The Diverfarming project seeks a paradigm shift in European agriculture through the diversification of crops and the rational use of resources

Jueves, 23 Enero 2020 08:19

A Project to Address China’s Water Crisis

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The 'Pirural' research groups seek to decontaminate aquifers and save water in the Asian behemoth

A research project at the University of Cordoba studied the behavior of a highway made from recycled materials in situ from nearby demolished homes for ten years

The BOOST project is working on a European social and emotional learning program aimed at training Primary Education teachers

An UCO research group has discovered that the effect from solar radiation produces an exchange of nitrogen gases in soil that allows for sequestering harmful gases and turning them into nitrate

The LIFE ReNaturalNZEB project seeks to reduce the environmental footprint of the Construction sector through the use of recycled and natural materials

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